It’s Noeleen Watson here – I'm SO glad you stopped by.
I live in County Wicklow, Ireland. I have been on a journey of self-discovery and I am amazing myself with my gifts as they are uncovered. As well as being a mum of four, I am also a Tera Mai Reiki and Seichem Master/Healer, Angel Healer, I am a Wellness Teacher, a Life Coach and an NLP Practitioner and a Learner Advocate with Aontas and I love to write words that touch people on a soul level and I am the author of two poetry books which bring many smiles to those who read them.
Here's my journey so far .....
I was no different to so many women today, where life had me absolutely broken. In my case it was from suffering many years within an emotional, abusive marriage which also resulted in undiagnosed post natal depression. This essentially left me feeling like an empty shell, I was an expert in hiding my feelings and just before Christmas 2009 a fall down the stairs left me with a serious injury which developed into chronic pain and started me on a very difficult and painful journey. After that I felt like I had absolutely no hope and life had me so trodden down I actually attempted suicide. Gladly for me the attempt failed but subsequently I suffered a nervous breakdown, although I now see this was my ‘breakthrough’.
In 2010, with the right people to guide me, I started my own journey through Community Education. I was scared, I felt that I had no voice but I knew somehow that if I kept taking small steps I would eventually rediscover who I truly am.
In 2011, I started college to train as a Graphic Designer, which was the most amazing time of my life and the more I learned the more I uncovered my hidden creativity. Now I felt like a somebody and the more I studied the more I learned.
2012 was a huge year for me as I started to connect with a world not visible to the normal eye, my world was about to turn upside down again but in the best way possible. I learned all about Angels, became a Tera Mai Reiki and Seichim Master/healer, felt my own healing energies and started to really heal my mind, body and spirit.
2015 saw me qualify as a Graphic Designer and that was the year I finally got my freedom through my divorce.
During 2016 I started writing my poems. The words would just come into my mind, and you would find me typing away on my mobile. I was amazed at the wisdom the poems had and even had to pinch myself that I actually wrote them.
I published my first poetry book in 2017 called Walking Lightly and this has been one of the biggest achievements in my life so far. I stood up on the day of my book launch and spoke to about 80 wonderful people, can you imagine someone who had no voice was now speaking live to a huge crowd.
In 2018 I studied NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and qualified as an NLP Practitioner.
2019 saw me qualify as a Life Coach and I know all the pieces to my life will be complete, its like a huge jigsaw puzzle.
2020 and a world wide pandemic sees me studying Life Coaching and Mentoring to gain more knowledge in how to help people move forward in their lives. I started a journey with Creative Mindfulness for Kids with Louise Shanagher; I wanted to learn ways to help my grandson Luke with the effects the pandemic was having on him. I qualified as a Creative Mindfulness for Kids Practitioner latter that year.
2021 was a very tough year for me as I watched my dear mam Aileen fade away and had to fight to get her the supports she needed. She passed away on 14th September 2021.
2022 again a very eventful year so far, alot of tears were shed. In February I met a wonderful lady, Kitty Kavanagh who taught me a new healing modality called Rahanni Celestial Healing.
My beautiful cabin was built in June and this I have dedicated to my dear mam as we had more fun talking about it for the past three years. I called it Aileen's Place, here you will be very welcomed and it is a sanctuary for your soul.
Many more courses and workshops later I learned and continue to discover who I am. My focus now is to help women find their own voice, their purpose and help them see the light at the end of the tunnel.
'So far, so good'
One of my favourite affirmations is 'I am where I am, and that's ok'